Páteo do Garrett

Contacts and Location


Café-Restaurante Páteo do Garrett

Rua Padre Amaro Teixeira de Azevedo, 12
Várzea de Sintra
2710-633 SINTRA

GPS: 38.814910, -9.391714


21 924 33 80
national landline call

E-mail address



Isabel Esteves - General Manager
Mobile: 96 982 94 60
call to national mobile network


In case of dispute, the consumer can use the following alternative dispute resolution entity:

Centro de Artitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa

Rua dos Douradores, n.º 116, 2º, 1100-207 Lisboa
E-mail: juridico@centroarbitragemlisboa.pt
Web: www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt
For updates and more information, see the Consumer Portal www.consumidor.pt

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