This data privacy security declaration applies only to Páteo do Garrett services.

Internet is a fabulous comunication instrument. Its growing importance becomes more obvious to us every day. With a simple mouse click you have the hole world at your feet. People come together, the experiences are spreaded faster. Nowadays society's evolution is galloping.

Because of all this reasons and so everyone trust even more on this way of communication, it is important for Páteo do Garrett that all users of its services and visitors of its web pages have guarantees on the confidentiality of their data.

When we ask for your name, address, telephone, qualifications, among other things, we have as a goal keeping a more closer relationship with our users. With your register, we began to treat you by your own name, becomming closer and we can reply to your needs or requests with more efficiency.

If, for any reason, Páteo do Garrett feels the need to update its privacy policy, you will be the first to know.

Páteo do Garrett assures you that this information shall not be used with any promotional purposes either by mail contact or telephone contact nor will it be used by any other organization or company. Compromises to protect your privacy and will do a great effort to guarantee the use of a technology increasingly efficient in order to make your on-line experience safer each day and straighten your relationship with the Web.

If you have any question related to this compromise, do not hesitate to contact.